Welcome to TechNexus Pulse.

Welcome to TechNexus Pulse.

For the last 7 years, TechNexus Venture Collaborative has cultivated deep and substantive relationships with Fortune 1000 companies, top-tier LPs and co-investors, and ambitious entrepreneurs.

These efforts have resulted in our making 250+ venture investments and developing ecosystems that are driving innovation and growth.

Over this time, we’ve refined our process and approach, building a leading-edge venture platform along the way.

TechNexus Pulse: Where investment meets community.

Investment opportunities are curated by TechNexus for members to invest as part of a broader syndicate. Investments are executed in an SPV to streamline entity formation and back-end administration.

Pulse members have the option to invest deal-by-deal and indicate.

Terry Howerton

Founder & CEO

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